Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Makes Me Unique

A Year With Myself Prompt from Karen Caterson on Module 9: Authenticity


It’s been a curious week for me, noticing my uniqueness and simultaneously wanting to gut myself and start fresh. I suppose that’s NOT EVEN unique. Seems to BE a lot of this going around. Perhaps what makes me unique, or what it is that most of all stands out is that I have only recently started to take myself seriously lightly. Oxymoronic though that may BE, that’s my story. At least today.

These past six years I have been in a long and drawn-out transitional period. I have gone from sick and only enJOYing a few days a week without complications from Spina Bifida setting the tone to days and weeks completely uncomplicated, at least by my physical health challenges. I have gone from BEing in a 12-year relationship through its 3-year demise, and Now I am quite content living in relative Solitude in The Wee Cottage with Gracie. I have let go of 99% of the STUFF that I’d accumulated in my Life: books, art, photographs, clothing, tools, all of my writing, and every other odd yet treasured thing, despite spending all of 2007 and 2008 sorting and packing it up and putting it into storage for a “when” that never materialised. And when I moved East in 2009, I figured I’d go back for it, never really wrapping my head or my heart round the idea that “going back” and “stuff” would BE 2 things I would live far far better without. And even that realisation came slowly…

A part of me knows that the above isn’t unique; another part is completely convinced that it is simply BEcause it is MY Story. So, in an effort to keep peace within my Spirit I let those parts of me BE, recognising the objective is NOT at all about choosing one over the other, but instead to love them like you love teenagers, especially the ones who used to think you totally rocked their World. It’s prickly and oftentimes more thorny than rosy, but so goes Life with beautimous blooms.


Probably there are layers to this response, but I am only going to deal with what’s floating to the top for me Right Now. I’ve lived the past 50 years from the 9 year old me who was told NO, she could NOT participate UNTIL she had learned to write in Cursive. We moved in April of my 4th grade year. It was the single most awful thing that literally knocked the stuffing out of me. Moreso even than BEing diagnosed with Spina Bifida at the age of 36. I was a ravenous learner, a little girl with the sort of audacity and fearlessness that rivaled Pippi Longstocking! That teacher DOing that literally left me hobbled ever since.

Why is this embarrassing and uncomfortable?! I suppose BEcause I have spent these past 50 years feeling I was on the outside and never welcome in. I’ve been routinely startled by anyone’s warmth or welcoming, unable and unwilling to trust that it’s NOT a ruse, NOT another set-up. As a result I have gone from job to job and BEfore that school to school, relationship to relationship, and only Now, as I am on the eve of turning 59, have I realised this pattern AND where it sprang from. Now, don’t misunderstand, I KNOW I have the track records in all of the above that I have, I know how lumpy and difficult it is for me to love, to BElieve something really is possible, especially for me, but it’s only been in the past 6 months or so that I’ve BEgun to see the puzzle in its entirety.

As for the areas I am proud of… well, I suppose that would BE my courage, my “gumption” to keep on keeping on. While I’m no stranger to serious considerations and a few definite efforts to end it, [it BEing my Life] I clearly did NOT succeed. I think this is pretty remarkable, especially when I consider myself pretty much “out there” and never ever truly “inside” anywhere or any relationship I’ve had. Even as convinced as I can BE that no one would miss me, and in fact my taking myself out would improve the lot of others, I keep breathing in and out and walking upright. I suppose it’s my insatiable curiosity…

This one is much easier. I nurture it simply by acknowledging it exists. By choosing to BElieve that I had a purpose coming here, meaning to Life, or Something had one for me. There is something MUCH BIGGER than how I feel or where I “fit” [or don’t fit]. And certainly something far more definitive than writing in Cursive. I suppose the biggest thing I DO on a daily basis is that I write. Every day. A LOT. And I keep showing up. And I encourage myself.


I don’t know. Somedays I think I share it by writing. Other days, well, I guess most days I hope I am sharing something of myself that is of value to the World. Even if that is only picking up Gracie’s poop. I don’t know what people with dogs are [or aren’t] thinking when they leave poop wherever, but I know that for ME, I am responsible. I DO my part. Simple as that. NOT that I am judging anyone, really, just that somehow I think the “right” answer to this question, for ME, just for this day, is that basic.


Pretty much that thing that I’ve let one horrible teacher DO: Tell Me NO. I’m a compulsive apologiser and a chronic over-explainer. Both of these things keep me keeping myself hiding-out.


Lee Aka The Diamond Gal said...

Wow..I read this on my iPhone while I was waiting for my daughter to get out of art class, then had to come home and reread it. It touched me so deeply...I feel the truth in every single word of your real self. This was an amazing piece of introspection and writing. Thank you for sharing.


Currie Silver said...

Thank YOU, Lee! You've no idea how much your words mean.

C. A. Kobu said...

I agree with Lee. Currie, what you wrote is amazing. It touched me deeply. I admire your courage and transparency. I admire your passion and truthfulness. I admire your vitality and inner power. I can see your glow from between the lines.

Square-Peg Karen said...

Currie, your words grabbed my heart and won't let go!

Although the specifics are different, it feels like you're telling my story - which makes me smile because you talked about that here - about knowing that your story is and isn't unique.

Maybe that's part of the snowflake/snow thing: when we are deeply IN our snowflake Self (when we BE), we connect in deep ways with other snowflakes - even while our beautiful snowflake uniqueness shines out.

I read this in your About Me section: "I’ve stayed apart… hidden... invisible. Now I’m BEginning again." Me too! I was invisible for the longest time - and it feels so good to come out from under the invisibility cloak. Words like yours welcome me home, "further up and further in" (as someone says in one of the Narnia books), make me feel a part, connected - I hope that you feel the reverberating wave (think ocean - waves of welcome coming in and out for us all)!

Hurrah for your courage, which shows up big time in your writing. Hurrah for nurturing your uniqueness and for taking yourSELF seriously lightly (brilliant wording!) - so infinitely more important than writing in cursive (it's sad that your teacher was stuck in the small stuff!).

Thanks for sharing this piece!!

Currie Silver said...

I am truly honoured by your words and thoughts, Karen. I actually had a lot of Ah-Ha going on as I read your interview. This experience of AYWM is ever more extraordinary for those [YOU] wonderful instigators C.A. has gathered together. I wrote another thing recently about my square peg-ness which I will share with you. It crossed my radar again yesterday when I was forwarding some things. Laughed a good one at that!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to share all this with me!!

Currie Silver said...

I thought as I was writing that I sure didn't feel like I wanted to feel in that sacred time which I set aside each Tuesday, and then to receive such heartfelt words in response... amazing, humbling, and oh so sweet!!

Thank you so much, C.A.

saraho said...

Currie, this is so beautiful - raw, honest and truly authentic. Like some of the other commenters I can identify with many pieces of your story.

I haven't been writing from my AYWM prompts as regularly as you - but I HAVE been processing the information, and that along with some other inner work I am doing has been bringing up some very difficult stuff! I too feel like I've spent the last 50 (almost) years kind of removed from my authentic self. And I'm so frustrated about that!
I don't know if it was the kindergarten teacher that spanked and humiliated me in front of the class, the babysitter/nanny who told me to settle down and stop making so much trouble, the nuns who put duct tape on my mouth - it doesn't really matter. The question is - how to move on and let it go. So much time has slipped by - it's time to own our power. I'm glad to share this journey with you. You've inspired me to answer Karen's prompts - at least in my private journal if not on the blog.

You've reminded me of an important answer to that question of how to move on. Keep on showing up for myself. Every day. In my writing, in my interactions, in my time with myself. Thanks for this!

Currie Silver said...

As each of you has commented, I've reread this post. In the process of DOing that, I've been "hearing" and "getting" myself in ways that, frankly wouldn't have been possible or accessible had I NOT posted this writing to share with AYWM folks.

I have learned that, indeed, showing up for ME, BEing ME, flawed and imperfect yet exquisitely just MYSELF is the key to this whole Adventure. Some of the things I am certain need to BE solved or resolved will simply pass away with the focus of This Moment...[truly, what ARE our memories anyway?! tiny beams of light that stay]

What I am learning through all the comments and yours, here, is that speaking up and telling MY story, or at least what I remember of it is how I've healed and am healing myself. That and that Now, Right Now, is all there ever is.

Thank you so much!!

Nicky Tillyer said...

It's in accepting all of ourselves and then getting out of our own way that we have the best intuition to move forward.

I love that you allow the uniqueness you share with the world not to be under any pressure...it shows up as you and whatever you bring to the day. Not some preconditioned structured role...hmmm....food for thought.

Currie Silver said...

It is the removing of pressure that has encouraged me to live more in what is Now. After getting a good long taste of what is Now, I'm noticing that this choice has always been there, but I didn't "buy" it.

Since my realising the long-term impact of that teacher's poor choice of words and actions I feel a little like Dorothy and her pals in Oz when they each recognised they could have what they "wanted" all along... It's taken what and "how long" it's taken and actually, I think that my own Yellow Brick Road has BEEN the Journey I needed.

Thank you for your comment which has brought me back here once again...