Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Meaning of My Success [Simplified]

Success, so I’ve learned this past week in Module 12: BREAKTHROUGH, is multi-faceted. Why?! BEcause it changes for each person asking the question, and it also changes with Life’s continual shifting.

I DO have my definition of success: 

I showed up, I did my very best, and oh WHAT [and HOW] I learned!!!

The dictionaries mostly call success something of a fixture, as in attaining something, achieving something, and getting a good result from something planned or intended. That doesn’t work so well for me BEcause I am more inclined to see Success in a river, or in a wave, NOT just the one crashing onto the shoreline, also that one way out there BEyond where I can see.

If success is confined to good outcomes, well, it loses its appeal, at least for me. Or so I BElieve Today.

I am enJOYing sweet success Right Now. And yet what I am calling a success is still a decision, a choice, a shift I’ve made in my heart and mind. Yes, I have wrapped it with words and shared it with a few chosen others, yet on the face of it, it surely would NOT fit neatly into the dictionary’s and thesaurus’ definitions or synonyms.

This is fine with me. I like Life simpler. Less congruent. More serendipitous and shmoooshy.

I think the highlight of this Module, for me, is its emphasis on ME [or YOU, meaning each of us]. I would have told you, BEfore this morning, that I kind of skated through this Module. I counted myself out BEcause of all that is uniquely ME. Much emphasis in AYWM is on our businesses and/or our work in the World. And I DO see myself more different than similar in that respect.

And yet…

What I realise Now is that it is in both my differences AND my similarities that I resonate with so much of this week’s insight and invitation to consider success even further than what it MEANS to me or in some reference books.

I’ve learned, most especially in the past 6 years, yet it’s been the leaning of the whole of this decade I’ve spent in my too-early “medical” retirement, that success is unfixed and free-floating. One day’s successes [even the ones labelled “failures”] are the foundation for the next day’s activity. We are all just here in this day, Now.

I noticed this past week that I was listing and focusing on my failures of the past few years. I was noting them thus, without seeing them as successes that simply sent me looking for a better way. Or mayBE just anOTHER way!

Thus you have it, my simplified definition: 

I showed up, I did my very best, and oh WHAT [and HOW] I learned!!!

I cannot rest on my previous accomplishments, those things I once had attained. A very short time into my “retirement” I shifted to the shmoooshier definition BEcause Life changed, so I did, too.

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