Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Letter To Serendipity [And Adventure]

Ó 2011 Currie Silver

11 little letters that are all about magical surprises & happy accidents. 

Sweet & Surprising Happenstances 
Events That Delight & Amaze 
Rare Yet Wondrous Circumstances
Ecstatic About The Way Things Unfold 
Natural Gift For Making Discoveries 
Discovering Something Unique & Wonderful 
Inspired By Something Magically Destined 
Phenomenal Providence & Good Fortune 
Immensely Good & Unexpected 
Things Turning Out In Ways BEyond Imagining 
You Find It Looking For Something Else Altogether

Dear S E R E N D I P I T Y,

I’m so glad You’re always along, like the gentlest tap on my shoulder when I’ve gone wandering and need to pay attention. You’re like a wise companion who simply knows The Way without having the least little brain cramp. You are Trust. Faith. Always true. Always.

I have my moments, for sure, when I think I NEED TO KNOW and have a detailed plan of action. When I assume that EVERYONE ELSE knows, so I should, too. And it is in these moments that I need You most. I need Your reminders about the times when I thought all was doomed. The times when things just fell together when I thought they had fallen apart. Broken. Shattered in way too many pieces to EVER put them together again.

I need You this year. I need Your calm and laughter. I need Your insight. Your prompting. A little nudge Now & Then, when I am waiting and should BE acting or I am fiddling and should instead Let Go. Stop. Simply. NOW.

I’ve seen You in the strangely beautimous ways You so often appear. The phone call I wasn’t expecting, the odd email landing in my emailbox, a conversation where a door was thrown wide open. I know how You love to surprise me, sometimes even by a Something Happening I really don’t like one bit. Always, ALWAYS I get to the other side and see Your trademark shining through.

While I am sure that You have many, more many than I can fathom, others to bless and travel BEside, I am hoping You won’t stay away from me too long. That when I think, I’ve got it and am All That, tempting myself to “take it from here” that You will BE the wisdom that sets me back in focus…

Thank You for all that You’ve done, all that You’ve orchestrated and choreographed on my BEhalf. Especially that. I know I have given You fits, so I am especially glad You don’t give up on me, don’t take Your Happy Accidents and go away. Forever.

And oh, by the way, yes, YES!!! Absolutely, ADVENTURE is always welcome. I guess I’m saying so as sort of an afterthought, but that’s only BEcause the past 6 years have had a LOT of Adventure, bordering on the sometimes Too Much. But by all means, PLEASE DO bring Her along. I’ll admit, some of Her challenges have been just one step over that line, but then, without stepping over some of those “lines” I’d never EVER have got Here, Now.

All the wonder I seek is within YOU, Serendipity, my friend and companion…

Love YOU,


Sue Mitchell said...

Currie, I love your point about all the times you didn't see how something would work out but it always did. It's great to remember that when we can't see our way through! Also love your mentioning the reality that sometimes there can be too much adventure, but that doesn't mean we want to dispense with adventure altogether (only kind of, LOL). Great piece!

Currie Silver said...

Thanks so much, Sue. You know, I always think I KNOW how these prompts or ventures will go, but never once have I NOT been surprised and slightly astonished. The Year With Myself is quite the Adventure and impossibly wonder-FULL!!!

hui ying said...

Currie, this is such a beautiful piece. I would never deny adventure though. I love it (: perhaps because I haven't experience too much of it!

Currie Silver said...

What a wonderful thing to hear this this morning!! I'd almost forgotten about this... And how kind of you to BE the catalyst to bring me back to it. I've just had another visit from Adventure, and realise that I, too, won't ever deny her, even when she is like riding a roller coaster...