I will live
I will encourage
I will see
through eyes of Gratitude.
I will choose
I will enJOY my
World and its wonderful inhabitants.
I will BE of
Service and give of myself generously.
I will live
full-out and brave the risk of BEing laughed at.
I will always
pause and consider Who & How I CAN
BE Right Now.
I will embrace
Life’s Time without complaining.
I will trust that
I am loved, seen, and of value, even if only to myself.
I will use my
gifts and talents to add what only I CAN
to the World.
I will remember
that healing is always possible through a smile, a touch, or just listening.
As a process, Venture Map #2 - Write Your Manifesto [generously contributed by Tea Silvestre] is truly magnificent. It sent me in search of many of the things I've written over the past 12 months, as I have been seeking to best [or a least better] know myself, my motives AND motivation(s), as well create a usable Map for My Life, all the while making sure the X YOU ARE HERE is clearly marked.
I also wrote something of a manifesto similar to the type she shares with us in this module, the one that is hers. However, it is Very and Probably TOO Long...
Some months ago I wrote My Ambition, for a course I am taking, and over time it BEcame my "profile" for my blogs. Even longer ago, nearly a year Now, I wrote something I called 11 Essentials For Living Everyday. Pulling these 2 out has let me see that, as Tea says, "the manifesto process takes as long as it takes. But writing down what matters to you is the starting point for aligning your business (or work) with your personal values."
As I have proceeded through this module, I noted with interest that all of these efforts and results have been and are My Process. It's NOT about BEing wrong and Now more right. Nor is it about nailing it down. I've yet to feel "a click" but I know I'm getting warmer, feeling that I fit inside my shoes, and my own skin and I are much better friends.
I notice myself noticing my values, probably a lot more than I've realised, and I am glad of this opportunity to DO something meaningful [if only to me] with them. They often seem like trying to get an octopus to hold hands with me... slippery and overwhelming.
Clearly more will BE revealed in its own sweet time.
1 comment:
Dear Curie, I stumbled upon your very heart-warming site by serendipity (as how you put it in one of your lovely post to serendipity). Its always encouraging to meet someone who is on this self-discovery journey. I love your artistic creations, they are original and I hope it inspires many others too.
Much love,
Li Li
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