Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Commencing To Get Ready To BEgin

I've been changing, moving from too much to just enough. I am meeting the challenges in my Life with a sort of grace. Oddly enough...

I didn't start out this way. And grace has NOT really EVER been my strong suit. Imagine that!

Life isn't a thing I must work against as though it were some sort of obstacle on my path. It is much more an opportunity and a wondrous adventure. Loving that!

BEcoming this new Me is oftentimes very odd and it leaves me feeling that sense of I'm forgetting something but I can't remember what it is which I'm finally facing rather than running from. I was always looking "out there" at someone or something that wasn't ME!! Who knew?!

Starting without a clear vision should have been a handicap, yet it's turning out to BE much more fun to DO this, making it up as I go. It's sort of an eat when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired way of Life. Utterly amazing...

Turns out that simplifying my Life is only complicated in moments. For the most part of the time it's as freeing as a spring morning. Sweet stuff!!

There isn't really any "when" to get ready for; Life is always Right Now. Even yesterday and tomorrow are figments of human imagination. Of course!

It's taken me a Very Long Time to learn this, something I see is second nature to others, like babies, dogs, and the squirrels running along the fence outside. To BEcome as smart as a squirrel, Now there's a goal I can lean into!!! Yes indeed!

This idea of preparing, what I call Commencing To Get Ready To BEgin, albeit tongue-in-cheek, is just how I've always DONE Life. It's actually kind of nice to have had that so wrong for so long. You know?!

Now that I am laughing, near myself and mayBE even a little AT myself, I hope you'll join in the grin. Life is much too wonderful to take too seriously. Laugh on!!

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