Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Meaning of My Success [Simplified]

Success, so I’ve learned this past week in Module 12: BREAKTHROUGH, is multi-faceted. Why?! BEcause it changes for each person asking the question, and it also changes with Life’s continual shifting.

I DO have my definition of success: 

I showed up, I did my very best, and oh WHAT [and HOW] I learned!!!

The dictionaries mostly call success something of a fixture, as in attaining something, achieving something, and getting a good result from something planned or intended. That doesn’t work so well for me BEcause I am more inclined to see Success in a river, or in a wave, NOT just the one crashing onto the shoreline, also that one way out there BEyond where I can see.

If success is confined to good outcomes, well, it loses its appeal, at least for me. Or so I BElieve Today.

I am enJOYing sweet success Right Now. And yet what I am calling a success is still a decision, a choice, a shift I’ve made in my heart and mind. Yes, I have wrapped it with words and shared it with a few chosen others, yet on the face of it, it surely would NOT fit neatly into the dictionary’s and thesaurus’ definitions or synonyms.

This is fine with me. I like Life simpler. Less congruent. More serendipitous and shmoooshy.

I think the highlight of this Module, for me, is its emphasis on ME [or YOU, meaning each of us]. I would have told you, BEfore this morning, that I kind of skated through this Module. I counted myself out BEcause of all that is uniquely ME. Much emphasis in AYWM is on our businesses and/or our work in the World. And I DO see myself more different than similar in that respect.

And yet…

What I realise Now is that it is in both my differences AND my similarities that I resonate with so much of this week’s insight and invitation to consider success even further than what it MEANS to me or in some reference books.

I’ve learned, most especially in the past 6 years, yet it’s been the leaning of the whole of this decade I’ve spent in my too-early “medical” retirement, that success is unfixed and free-floating. One day’s successes [even the ones labelled “failures”] are the foundation for the next day’s activity. We are all just here in this day, Now.

I noticed this past week that I was listing and focusing on my failures of the past few years. I was noting them thus, without seeing them as successes that simply sent me looking for a better way. Or mayBE just anOTHER way!

Thus you have it, my simplified definition: 

I showed up, I did my very best, and oh WHAT [and HOW] I learned!!!

I cannot rest on my previous accomplishments, those things I once had attained. A very short time into my “retirement” I shifted to the shmoooshier definition BEcause Life changed, so I did, too.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Letter To Serendipity [And Adventure]

Ó 2011 Currie Silver

11 little letters that are all about magical surprises & happy accidents. 

Sweet & Surprising Happenstances 
Events That Delight & Amaze 
Rare Yet Wondrous Circumstances
Ecstatic About The Way Things Unfold 
Natural Gift For Making Discoveries 
Discovering Something Unique & Wonderful 
Inspired By Something Magically Destined 
Phenomenal Providence & Good Fortune 
Immensely Good & Unexpected 
Things Turning Out In Ways BEyond Imagining 
You Find It Looking For Something Else Altogether

Dear S E R E N D I P I T Y,

I’m so glad You’re always along, like the gentlest tap on my shoulder when I’ve gone wandering and need to pay attention. You’re like a wise companion who simply knows The Way without having the least little brain cramp. You are Trust. Faith. Always true. Always.

I have my moments, for sure, when I think I NEED TO KNOW and have a detailed plan of action. When I assume that EVERYONE ELSE knows, so I should, too. And it is in these moments that I need You most. I need Your reminders about the times when I thought all was doomed. The times when things just fell together when I thought they had fallen apart. Broken. Shattered in way too many pieces to EVER put them together again.

I need You this year. I need Your calm and laughter. I need Your insight. Your prompting. A little nudge Now & Then, when I am waiting and should BE acting or I am fiddling and should instead Let Go. Stop. Simply. NOW.

I’ve seen You in the strangely beautimous ways You so often appear. The phone call I wasn’t expecting, the odd email landing in my emailbox, a conversation where a door was thrown wide open. I know how You love to surprise me, sometimes even by a Something Happening I really don’t like one bit. Always, ALWAYS I get to the other side and see Your trademark shining through.

While I am sure that You have many, more many than I can fathom, others to bless and travel BEside, I am hoping You won’t stay away from me too long. That when I think, I’ve got it and am All That, tempting myself to “take it from here” that You will BE the wisdom that sets me back in focus…

Thank You for all that You’ve done, all that You’ve orchestrated and choreographed on my BEhalf. Especially that. I know I have given You fits, so I am especially glad You don’t give up on me, don’t take Your Happy Accidents and go away. Forever.

And oh, by the way, yes, YES!!! Absolutely, ADVENTURE is always welcome. I guess I’m saying so as sort of an afterthought, but that’s only BEcause the past 6 years have had a LOT of Adventure, bordering on the sometimes Too Much. But by all means, PLEASE DO bring Her along. I’ll admit, some of Her challenges have been just one step over that line, but then, without stepping over some of those “lines” I’d never EVER have got Here, Now.

All the wonder I seek is within YOU, Serendipity, my friend and companion…

Love YOU,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

100-Word Vision Statement

Visioning ME 
Envisioning my Life 
Is what I seek, 
More than in years 
To BE 
Or some number 
Of tomorrows 
BEyond Right BEautiful Now. 

Life is so amazing a gift 
Even when I dwell 
Upon its Flaws 
And my own 
BEautiful mistakes. 
I live Right Now 
Create Right Now 
Love Right Now 
And cherish the treasured 
Stroke of luck [or genius] 
That makes this possible. 

I live in 
I enJOY 
Dreaming my dreams. 
Giving whatever I have 
Gladly, willingly, easily. 
I fail and I learn and I grow. 
Remembering always 
Life is Right Now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Circling Back BEfore Going On

I couldn't DO this Venture Map until I'd really delved into Module 10. I don't know WHY, but I am glad I chose to circle back. I wanted to DO an "artistic" tree and ended up with this bunch of swirly lines on which I wrote my Values, Strengths, and the other Good Stuff and Precious Stuff, too, that make ME ME.

After knocking this one out I decided to try the Self-Portrait A-la-Arcimboldo. Again I thought I'd approach it as the artist instead of the student of ME that AYWM has engaged. BElow is the result of that adventure.

The funny thing, as I look at it Now, I can see that I did fill myself up and out with those things that DO represent me: colour, words, curious mixing up of many things all at once...

It would BE too bad to have just passed-by these two opportunities to get to know myself authentically...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Makes Me Unique

A Year With Myself Prompt from Karen Caterson on Module 9: Authenticity


It’s been a curious week for me, noticing my uniqueness and simultaneously wanting to gut myself and start fresh. I suppose that’s NOT EVEN unique. Seems to BE a lot of this going around. Perhaps what makes me unique, or what it is that most of all stands out is that I have only recently started to take myself seriously lightly. Oxymoronic though that may BE, that’s my story. At least today.

These past six years I have been in a long and drawn-out transitional period. I have gone from sick and only enJOYing a few days a week without complications from Spina Bifida setting the tone to days and weeks completely uncomplicated, at least by my physical health challenges. I have gone from BEing in a 12-year relationship through its 3-year demise, and Now I am quite content living in relative Solitude in The Wee Cottage with Gracie. I have let go of 99% of the STUFF that I’d accumulated in my Life: books, art, photographs, clothing, tools, all of my writing, and every other odd yet treasured thing, despite spending all of 2007 and 2008 sorting and packing it up and putting it into storage for a “when” that never materialised. And when I moved East in 2009, I figured I’d go back for it, never really wrapping my head or my heart round the idea that “going back” and “stuff” would BE 2 things I would live far far better without. And even that realisation came slowly…

A part of me knows that the above isn’t unique; another part is completely convinced that it is simply BEcause it is MY Story. So, in an effort to keep peace within my Spirit I let those parts of me BE, recognising the objective is NOT at all about choosing one over the other, but instead to love them like you love teenagers, especially the ones who used to think you totally rocked their World. It’s prickly and oftentimes more thorny than rosy, but so goes Life with beautimous blooms.


Probably there are layers to this response, but I am only going to deal with what’s floating to the top for me Right Now. I’ve lived the past 50 years from the 9 year old me who was told NO, she could NOT participate UNTIL she had learned to write in Cursive. We moved in April of my 4th grade year. It was the single most awful thing that literally knocked the stuffing out of me. Moreso even than BEing diagnosed with Spina Bifida at the age of 36. I was a ravenous learner, a little girl with the sort of audacity and fearlessness that rivaled Pippi Longstocking! That teacher DOing that literally left me hobbled ever since.

Why is this embarrassing and uncomfortable?! I suppose BEcause I have spent these past 50 years feeling I was on the outside and never welcome in. I’ve been routinely startled by anyone’s warmth or welcoming, unable and unwilling to trust that it’s NOT a ruse, NOT another set-up. As a result I have gone from job to job and BEfore that school to school, relationship to relationship, and only Now, as I am on the eve of turning 59, have I realised this pattern AND where it sprang from. Now, don’t misunderstand, I KNOW I have the track records in all of the above that I have, I know how lumpy and difficult it is for me to love, to BElieve something really is possible, especially for me, but it’s only been in the past 6 months or so that I’ve BEgun to see the puzzle in its entirety.

As for the areas I am proud of… well, I suppose that would BE my courage, my “gumption” to keep on keeping on. While I’m no stranger to serious considerations and a few definite efforts to end it, [it BEing my Life] I clearly did NOT succeed. I think this is pretty remarkable, especially when I consider myself pretty much “out there” and never ever truly “inside” anywhere or any relationship I’ve had. Even as convinced as I can BE that no one would miss me, and in fact my taking myself out would improve the lot of others, I keep breathing in and out and walking upright. I suppose it’s my insatiable curiosity…

This one is much easier. I nurture it simply by acknowledging it exists. By choosing to BElieve that I had a purpose coming here, meaning to Life, or Something had one for me. There is something MUCH BIGGER than how I feel or where I “fit” [or don’t fit]. And certainly something far more definitive than writing in Cursive. I suppose the biggest thing I DO on a daily basis is that I write. Every day. A LOT. And I keep showing up. And I encourage myself.


I don’t know. Somedays I think I share it by writing. Other days, well, I guess most days I hope I am sharing something of myself that is of value to the World. Even if that is only picking up Gracie’s poop. I don’t know what people with dogs are [or aren’t] thinking when they leave poop wherever, but I know that for ME, I am responsible. I DO my part. Simple as that. NOT that I am judging anyone, really, just that somehow I think the “right” answer to this question, for ME, just for this day, is that basic.


Pretty much that thing that I’ve let one horrible teacher DO: Tell Me NO. I’m a compulsive apologiser and a chronic over-explainer. Both of these things keep me keeping myself hiding-out.