MODULE 48: Lovingkindness
Touching the World
with Kindness and Compassion
As someone who loves to invent words, play with their
spellings, and oddly capitalise, the word Lovingkindness has held a very special
place in my heart.
I heard the word BEfore I read it, and I didn’t know it was
[is] a real word with actual dictionary definition status.
: tender
and benevolent affection
First Known Use of LOVING-KINDNESS
I spent this week
reading, listening, and reading more. I immersed myself in the notion of Lovingkindness
and let it steep in me.
I am finding a comfortable familiarity with it, one deeper
than surface and NOT at all glib.
It can BE
difficult to BE loving or kind. To some people, to me. For some people, for me.
And yet what else is there but this?!
Is there actually a Life to BE lived and
cherished where Lovingkindness is NOT central and essential?!
While this module covers
many aspects and experiences of Lovingkindness, for me it is the foundation of
It is where I BEgin and return.
It is how and why I live Life.
is a guiding principle as necessary as Hope.
I’m reconsidering my
“positions” on some things in the LIGHT of Lovingkindness.
[Which is
extraordinary all by itself…]
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