Sunday, September 23, 2012

Some Rambling Thoughts On Getting Things Done

In a perfect World, which I don’t live in, I would have something wise and Grasshopper-ish to add to this. So… living in this World, where oftentimes things are hurtling down the track at such breakneck speed that I run, duck, and cover almost out of habit, let me say only that along with the age-old wisdom I learned in Kindergarten, “when you hold hands with your partner don’t pick your nose,” Thich Nhat Hanh is a mighty wise dude.

In Module 36: Gentle Productivity of A Year With Myself, I was re-introduced to a few insights about Getting Things Done that, frankly, no longer even apply to me. And this is NOT BEcause I don’t live in the same World with other humans who are breathing in and out and living from experience to experience. It IS, however, BEcause I am less concerned with things getting “done” and more apt to shine my light onto the wonder of DOing things.

For instance, I recently started participating in what I am learning are called everything from memes and blog-hops to challenges and prompt-inspired events. Sometimes they are billed as parties. This is, frankly, Very Cool Beans for someone like me. I have always loved taking an idea, suggestion, or gentle nudge and running with it.

I Now have a growing group of people I’ve never met face-to-face who I am engaging with in a meaningful way and they are All Over This Planet!!! It’s NOT that this practise is new-to-me, but what is new is the underlying intention.

It seems that these folks also enJOY a gentle guideline and very specific window of opportunity. And they too have even MORE fun going off to visit and see what others have been up to. And leaving a comment or just an encouraging word. Golly what a difference THAT makes.

They are present or absent without story or excuses. They are full of information and willing to help and literally seem to step right through the Wildly Weird Wacky World called The Internet and sit BEside me right here in the Wee Cottage, guiding me along, encouraging me, and helping me find the questions I need to ask that I don’t know enough to know I need to ask.

This has BEcome my measure of productivity. And this is good. For me. For Now.

I loved the reminders and insights and great suggestions throughout Module 36. I enJOYed the Vision Interviews, in particular Lisa Baldwin’s “best advice to creative women who want to find a gentler path to getting great things done.”

She says, Listen to your self. Trust your own process, even when it’s weird. Be curious about your ways. And do everything you can to sculpt an environment that supports you and your work in the world.

So here’s what I see. Life is a Journey and there is NEVER EVER going to BE that ethereal roadside oasis where we get all of our buttons counted and are deemed “done.” Done isn’t the objective. DOing is. DOing with what brings ME [or YOU, or, hey, mayBE both of us!!! ;~D] JOY and a happy heart.

1 comment:

C. A. Kobu said...

I love your lucid and original perspective, Currie! Also, I totally agree with what Lisa says in the snippet you've shared. We each need a unique container in this world that gently fits to what we enjoy doing with our own style, voice and preferences.