Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Love is what we were born with.
Fear is what we have learned here.
~ Marianne Williamson

Rarely DO two simple statements encompass such immense truths. For all my years writing of my Life I have tried to keep my observations, especially those spoken aloud or written where others might read them, as succinct. I owe Marianne a debt of Gratitude for her words and her keen simplicity. As well I owe C.A. deep appreciation for placing this at the start of this week’s rich treasury of reading.

I think, too, that Chapter 4 has been the most resonant for me so far. I am involved in this process called loving ME with an intensity unparalleled prior to the past 6 years. It was 2006 when I first really BEcame aware that I was clueless about the dark place I’d come to call my Normal Life. I was experiencing greater health challenges and had been on disability for 4 years. My relationship of 12 years was a ship tossing and pitching in a frantic sea, and I rarely felt anything like JOY, much less love for myself or any sort of self-acceptance that would pass muster.

I was fortunate to have the health challenges I did or I’d likely NOT have found the path to what I can only call The New Sanity. It all BEgan with a decision I made and a question I was asked. Simple things, both. Like Marianne’s quote and C.A.’s including it at the start of this chapter.

As I’ve read and reread this chapter, letting it soak into me, making the space for it to walk and sit and yes, even sleep BEside me, I have uncovered and discovered an entirely new perspective. Actually, a collection of the little buggers!!! Ronna’s prompt, while NOT completely new to me as I was fortunate to have crossed paths with her and her wondrous Truth-Telling Template during 2011, has brought me once again to a place of deep willingness. Asking myself her questions, responding, telling MY truth, and over and over again and again lifting the veil off trying to control what I am, how I think, where I ache, long, or simply itch to break free and break through has BEcome my practise, as ordinary to me Now as washing Gracie’s food bowl and according her the same sort of respect I DO myself.

That last bit may sound odd yet in my head it makes beautiful sense. DOES Gracie care that I feed her in a clean bowl?! I don’t know. In fact, what I DO know is that she is incorrigible about picking up “ground treasures,” most of which are disgusting and only occasionally relinquished, albeit stubbornly. But loving her and taking exquisite care of and for her, I DO this small thing with great love.

All day and night and day after day and week after week there is a ticker tape running underneath and over top my mind’s “newsreel.” I used to ignore it, like turning the sound off on a television. Yet I was still “run” by it, still slave to its insistence and noise. With Truth-Telling this is no longer possible. I cannot unknow what I know as I continue to commit myself to the “unlearning” of what Life has taught me.

To DO a simple repetitive task like washing a bowl for my dog is evidence of my listening to the internal voice inside of me. It is such an ordinary and seemingly small gesture yet it speaks volumes.

Ronna says, The cage begins to feel like home and freedom feels dangerous, difficult, and nearly impossible to imagine. She goes on to encourage taking this shift upon ourselves one “baby step” at a time. Little by slowly [and yet oftentimes with a super-human speed] this is changed through making one bold decision, choosing an uncharted path [or simply one I’d never seen until Now], and leaning then leaping into the dangerous, difficult, and nearly impossible to imagine.

The “cage” she speaks of is the “Normal Life” I spoke of earlier. Now, 5 years plus out of my relationship, I finally can see how unhappy and utterly terrified I was to even think about leaving that Life. I’d allowed myself to just morph into someone I no longer recognise and certainly I don’t want to “love” that Currie, much less embrace her unconditionally.

BUT… this is NOT EVEN what loving myself, or getting good at it, even slightly less bad at it is about. In fact I am pretty certain that had I NOT travelled through that bit of the forest I’d never have found the path I Now travel. This is the unconditional piece, the part where Jackie bravely goes, boldly stating the “filling gaps” secret I thought was just some perverse and twisted thing I DO. [yes, present tense… this is indeed a long journey of unlearning and reshaping I am on…]

I suppose I KNOW that I am far from unique, that my particular sets of odd BEhaviours and bizarre Beliefs aren’t anything close to mine alone. But you see, I think this is what we’ve all convinced ourselves to BElieve. I mean, how often DO we hear ourselves talking of our wee or grandiose brands of insanity without some buffer to blame it on, some experience, event, or person? And what I NOW know, for certain, is that until I claim it, even just by seeing it in myself, the reflex is ALWAYS to lay blame outside of myself.

Earlier I spoke of my relationship’s demise and my “rising above” as though one preceded and the other followed. NOT really. NOT even close, if I am telling the truth about what Jackie says so poignantly, … it was unconscious, but it is true, I was unloveable. My heart was hidden behind walls and barbed wire. I, too, was NOT keen to rock the boat and upend my security. Already I had accommodated my multiplying health challenges; why then NOT accommodate this as well? I probably didn’t even see them as one then the other. It was the whole lot of Life, my Now Normal Life, that was spinning madly out of control. It was all I could DO most days to simply hold on. I think I had completely relinquished all intention; I lived in reaction after reaction after reaction, never knowing where the wave had started to overtake me.

For more than 4 of the 5+ years we’ve been separated, I still held onto the notion that one day my partner would come round to realising just what a treasure she’d left BEhind. I clung to her continued financial support BEcause I had made myself indispensable to HER by taking on all of her responsibilities when she, to appease me, initially, and keep me from leaving her, took on the challenge of confronting her addiction. I went home to sell our home while she stayed on, a year, another year, and then another, and finally I grew a bit of courage and moved back to the East Coast myself, with Gracie, knowing I needed to make a Life for ME [and Gracie] but hope hope hoping I’d BE rescued from it, taken back, reclaimed like a lost suitcase in an airport’s lost luggage department.

Even here I continued to hold onto that financial support, terrified to let it go, to have to figure out how to support myself on just the disability check I receive. I was, literally, unconscious of how once again I had morphed myself into someone I couldn’t respect, trust, or count upon to take care of me. Ultimately she moved her accounts to another bank in order to get me to really and truly Let Go. It was like she had to pry my fingers off one by one. And I didn’t see it, wouldn’t look it in the eyes until there was no choice. This lesson was bitter and filled me with a shame that seems impossibly anything BUT the root of the blooming self-love and self-acceptance I have today.

This entire scenario has finally emerged from the dark recess of my turning a blind eye to it. I have, as Kimberly speaks of, come to a place where I truly appreciate, validate, and accept who you are right now – even those parts that you dislike and would eventually like to shift or change. Daily, in a myriad of ways, I am “getting naked” and learning to know ME. I love how Jackie says, It’s not a take a bath once and stay clean forever process, BEcause I can sometimes forget that it’s a process, an attitude, and even a practise.

In the shame I felt when suddenly nothing was there I found a part of me who has lived too long with clipped wings, dependencies, and unloving-unkindness. She was, and is, undaunted by the challenges. I often have to sit and patiently let her talk to me, or mayBE it is I who I must practise patience with, learning to listen to the other bit of me. Whatever the case, patience and listening are key.

As I try to imagine a Future Me, I notice immediately a calmer more comfortably at home in her own skin Currie. She is simpler, too, and in no way at all “high-maintenance” the way I’ve long seen myself. She’s smiling, happy to BE wherever DOing whatever with [or without] anyone else. She comforts me… Deeply.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who Am I Now? or Who I AM Now.

… Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.

~ Brené Brown

For the past week or so I have been sorting out the stories of Who I AM in an effort to build something that most people call a résumé. It is NOT something I feel too happy about DOing, still… I’m learning to see all of Life, the ordinary through the extraordinary, as adventures. And this has BEEN that!!

I BEgan this process in a way I’ve grown accustomed to DOing things. I looked up the words that I “think” I know the meanings of, learning yet again that what I think I know is barely a ripple in the pond. The word résumé has these synonyms: recommence, start again, BEgin again, pick up where you left off, restart, take up again, carry on [and those are just a BEginning, I am certain]. Remarkable, eh?!

For this piece of my Life Journey I have nothing to recommence [save for my lovely practise of “commencing to get ready to BEgin”]. Starting again, likewise, isn’t quite it, and picking up where I left off isn’t it at all.

This time I am Starting Where I AM. It’s only an “AGAIN” experience in that I am looking round to find work, work to add income, yet more specifically, work that is meaningful to me and work that lets me BE of Service in some capacity. Have I “put down” BEing or DOing what is meaningful, such that I need take it up again?

I think what is more true in My Story is that I am Carrying On. That is the one synonym that rings truest and so that is what I will create with my résumé. That is the point of fabricating something that I hope will arouse curiosity, invite into my Life and World people who I can work BEside, alongside, and in collaboration with.

What does it matter the jobs I held or the places I worked THEN?! BEfore I “medically” retired 10 years ago?

Here’s what I am thinking, today, [and I am certain it was slightly different yesterday so I can safely assume it will evolve further by tomorrow] 24 January 2012: my résumé is an introduction, one that will BE received “well” by those people in those places where I am likely to “carry on” with working at a “job” most joyously, happily, and effectively.

Back to the piece of the quote from Brené Brown and Chapter 3 of A Year With Myself… in particular the “brave enough to explore the darkness” part.

I have been digging deep inside me, into the “story” of me that throughout this chapter I have been fortunate to learn to SEE with new eyes. I have been piecing together what is NOT merely “relevant” to prospective “employers” [whom I prefer to call “fellow adventurers & collaborators”] but what is relevant and essential to ME, the Currie who is NOW seeking employment as a means of adding to her income.

This is interesting, too, from the standpoint of the system within which I am working, Social Security’s Ticket To Work Program. NOT something I am too familiar with, which is to say I surely had a whole bunch of misinformation I was treating as facts. Now, however, BEcause of hitting the first wall when I tried to DO this getting a job thing quick-fast, I have been slowed-down to actually dig, bravely, into my story.

I am realising daily, and often more frequently, how much I have let my “story” aka résumé, squish me into a box. Let it determine what I can get a job DOing rather than letting it tell me what I CAN DO [an important distinction that informs me constantly].

My story, i.e. what work I have done, well or badly, jobs I have had, briefly or longer, and the skills and capabilities those all “qualified” me to DO is pretty much across the board irrelevant. I’ve changed in this past decade and my health and well-BEing have improved such that I CAN work at a “job” again BEcause of those changes. Essentially, my story is noise. It’s in the past.

The only relevance and meaning from it are what I am finding, like an archeologist sifting through, looking for clues, insights, encouragements to keep sifting.

I’ve written résumés for myself and lots and lots of other people over my Life. It is like filling out a form. It isn’t that hard, yet it’s only easy if you have the correct information. I suppose, too, it’s easier when it is NOT my own résumé; it’s simple to say good and complimentary things about others… Why, then, have I balked and resisted, even in one case, refused to create my own résumé?! MayBE I didn’t know what to put on it, what can or will show how I can best “carry on” in a job Now, in 2012.

While I cannot say I completely “own” my story Now, I DO know it better, understand it differently, and see in it possiblities for discovering my “light” and its “power.” NOT its infinite power, just its TODAY power.

Rewriting my story [and by extension my résumé] isn’t about changing facts, rather it’s about sifting through them and finding what encourages me, what brings me JOY, and what truly allows MY Light to light others’ lights. I have found a somewhat cumbersome and certainly odd means of getting to the “core” of what is important Now, to me, and for me to focus on and put out there for others to see, consider, and know.

It is by turns thrilling, exhilarating, bizarre, and utterly surprising. I have learnt that I enJOY DOing the same things over and over with different people and groups. And I have a deep desire to work with my hands, to learn framing and how to hang art or arrange things for people to SEE.

And while I love teaching, and dearly miss it, as I have each and every day for the past 10 years, I simply have no desire to have THAT BIG a job or that much responsibility. Still, I love my little gig teaching the kids that come on their field trips to Old School Square. I DO a collage art activity with them and their teachers, as well their parents and grandparents who come along [EVERYbody plays] as “chaperones.” It is ALWAYS a wondrous time and I DO wish I could DO it more regularly, but it is how it is and in this version of my story I celebrate and deLIGHT in what is and call it “enough.”

I’m NOT at all sure that my counsellor at Vocational Rehabilitation will DO cartwheels over the  résumé I am “collaging” but I also know it doesn’t matter. What I am creating is an introduction to me, a way to cut through all the noise of rituals and protocol. If someone can’t enJOY my  résumé's presentation, so BE it. Certainly I don’t expect EVERYone to BE thrilled, turned-on, and excited at the prospect of employing me.

In this telling of My Story, I am who I am, like Popeye. Would I love to find meaningful, well-paying work come a-calling, asking me to play?! Sure I would. Yet I know enough to recognise when I am floating in a make-BElieve World. I am finding the middle place, where I fit, perfectly, exquisitely, NOW.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have You Found Your Soul's Compass Yet?

I may have. But I don’t know this for certain. Funny how this prompt came into my World the same day I did Com-Poetry with Marney. The compass I made and the poems I wrote called me to consider something deeper than what I had been thinking I “need to DO” as I get ready for working again.

In the definitions for “compass” I was drawn to the one that is a “hinged device for drawing circles or measuring distances, e.g. on a map, that consists of two rods, one pointed, the other often holding a pencil, joined by an adjustable hinge.” Funny, I hadn’t remembered THAT compass until just Now, looking it up.

I am noticing more and more that seems NOT NEW. I think this may prove an essential clue to whether I have found my soul’s compass. If my soul’s compass were a hinged device, adjustable, clear about its purpose or use, I think I would have to say yes, I’ve found mine.

My soul’s compass, in this view, is the interaction of what I know, what I have learned, what my Life has revealed and brought into BEing Up Until Now AND the me who is holding onto my very BEing, wanting to take exquisite care to encourage it to soar, careful and considerate of its fragility, of MY fragility, despite outward appearances, assumptions, mine as well others’, and especially those pesky wants that can empower denial and cause excellent vision to go blind.

My soul’s compass, I BElieve, is the voice inside of me who is both young, agile, adventurous AND ancient, learned, certain. It is the voice that reminds me to stop around 5 or 6, even when I am having such fun painting or writing or reading, and follow my evening routine, so I can get to bed and asleep no later than 9 o’clock. It is the one who whispers gently to wake up, BEgin my day, despite the dark outside AND my delicious sleep.

It is the sense of importance that I am able to give to what I DO and what makes my heart sing, EVEN THOUGH…

It is the wind that blows, the waves that roll onto the sand, and the sun that rises, even when clouds obscure any blueness in the sky.

My soul’s compass is the thing that deepens my smile and lights my laughter, it’s the ideas I imagine and the view from Right Here, in me, where I AM, my feet ARE, and my breath is breathing me.

Walking With My Intimate & Accepting Friend

In her response to What is your approach to self-discovery? How did you explore your "inner you"? Sue Mitchell says that Nature has been essential. And in particular she sites walks. Specifically "solitary walks or walks with an intimate and accepting friend." 

Spending time out in the Natural World, the one that is growing and wild, this has been essential to me throughout my Life, too. Since moving back to the East Coast after 26 years in California and Arizona, I noticed that my depression and general lack of feeling alive sort of imploded.

At first.

Well, throughout my first year here. You see, I arrived here in summer and it was HOT HOT HOT and when we found the Wee Cottage, Gracie and I were both just tickled pink that she had a yard. Grass. Trees. Cool shady trees. Totally Awesome, Dude!!

And day by day we lost our walking habit. We tried a few times, but laziness took over, I suppose, or mayBE it was our collective lack of attention and the overdose of driving we'd done while crossing the country.

You see, I think self-discovery has to BE intentional. It has to BE cared for, nurtured, encouraged. And, as Sandi Amorim said in response to how she explored her "inner you," she asks questions.

The one question that she asks whether the something has "worked out successfully or failed" is "Who was I being that had it go this way?" 

If I am bold enough I can look at all that went wrong in that first year and see that I was BEing someone who stopped caring about self-discovery. Someone who was simply too much and too raw. Someone content to enJOY the What Is and just NOT wanting to venture out BEyond that.

After that first year, the second year seemed to have gained momentum, but Gracie and I still weren't walking. And we weren't DOing other things that we'd always done either. We were, well I was, trying to CHANGE. Like from nothing into something. 

I'd lost any sort of focus. I was really out on the far limbs and spending an incredible amount of time quite contentedly ALONE. I thought this was what I SHOULD DO and how I SHOULD BE. I mean, it only made sense after my relationship of the past 16 years, at that time, had been called, Time of Death: little by slowly from October 2006...

In the mindset of administering Life Support and Extraordinary Measures, I had FINALLY BEGUN to accept that turning off the respirator was The Next Right Thing. 

The next ONLY thing!!

In the fall of 2010 Gracie and I BEgan to walk. We ventured out and discovered the World around us. The World that is Our Home. Now.

We found beautimous neighbourhoods and homes that inspired me to dream again of what my Life could BE, if I would step into the Light of Right Now again. NOT that I needed a huge honkin' house at all, but that I was so in love with the Wee Cottage. And with making my art. And writing.

And there, right outside our door, BEyond the lovely BIG yard we thoroughly enJOYed, was oh so much more than we could have imagined. 

Each morning we'd wake up and start our days with writing and then a good long walk. Wherever. Everywhere was possible. What a wondrous place the one where we live.

For a long while there was work going on with the bridge, so we didn't get ourselves to the ocean for awhile. But oh the places we went and the ideas we birthed there...

Once again I realised that walking with Gracie was the thing that could heal me. So walk we did, and how amazing that we have both grown, put deeper roots down, and once more discovered the simplest way through Time, Life, and the Eternal CHANGE that is is a walk with a friend, an intimate friend, and an accepting one.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Laughing Near Myself

I've been reading a LOT lately. Funny thing, much of it by listening to audiobooks while DOing something else. However, some of the most interesting and absorbing reads have been my own writing. And much of that is stuff written awhile back.

What started out as an ambitious undertaking for NaNoWriMo, a book I'm calling I Love You, Currie, has been making itself a bit elusive. You see, I have been writing and sharing this writing, daily, for most of the past 5 years. I began in early 2007, ambitious yet again, though it wasn't until July that I caught on to the secret that DOing Something Every Day, like elephant eating, works almost without me DOing anything, IF I will take it One Bite At A Time. 

So, by July of 2007 I had a clue that practises might change me one bit at a time. Still, it has taken me all that time, up until November of 2011, to get that turning my own writings into my own writing is the thing I know best. 

People have told me I should write a book and I've always thought, well, I WOULD, if I knew what to write it ABOUT. Suddenly, my wanting to play this year in NaNoWriMo was just the threshold for getting me to SEE what has been right in front of my nose.

So Now I have found A Year With Myself http://ayearwithmyself.com/  AND a new container for this elusive writing project of mine. No wonder I loved teaching little people so much; even the same old same old is brand new when you are 6 or 7. 

It is in that spirit I am embarking upon my own Journey in A Year With Myself & Other Characters, this upteenth blog I've started. I think I am finally about to learn how to DO what I always think/thought I SHOULD already know HOW-TO DO. I suspect there are plenty-oh-peoples DOing this, too, who will gladly show me How To DO what I need to know HOW-TO.

And the laughing part? Well I am laughing near myself because I am dropping all pretense round saying I know ANYthing!! I've managed to blog each day this year, as planned, to make a 366-day perpetual calendar with Gracie piccies and her decidedly Gracie thoughts. It is just a container, a way to get it done, one post at a time. So I thought, hey, I can DO the same thing with AYWM!!

Thus is born my blog to accompany the Journey, A Year With Myself & Other Characters... 

The "threshold" for carrying forward what I have written before and elsewhere and gathering it together Now as the Great Possibility Called A Book People Tell Me I Should Write. 

Stay tuned. Eventually [if NOT sooner] I will learn how to link this to wherever or whatever is called "sharing this Journey with others on it, too."

But for Now, I'm BEGINNING...